Short travel update..

So as you may know I’m going to the usa and Canada next year wooo. But now I would love to extend to down to south America. Hike the Inca Trail in Pure and find myself amongst Machu Picchu, surround myself in the Amazon jungle and see myself in the mirrored salt flats of Uyuni in Bolivia.

The only thing is that South America is very expensive. So I may have to cut my time down in the USA which is fine because South America is my number one destination in the worllldddddd. I’m also currently waiting for approval for another two weeks on my holidays. But if not, I think I will still try and go to south America even for a little bit.


I think if I do this trip, I will be able to get my life together when I get back. This has to be the last stupid thing I do for a while. BUTTTTT of course that is what I say know. I think this trip is me dealing with my 1/5 life crisis. lol…. send help.

A lot of people are also asking me why I’m doing this trip by myself. But you see, I have so many unanswered questions about myself. Who am I? what makes me happy? unhappy? sad? and so many more. I think I need to put myself alone with myself, I need to put myself in awkward situations and get lost, and laugh and make memories and try and make friends and get out of my comfort zone but also scare myself and be confused. Everything will work out, I will work it out. But I need to do this for myself. I NEED to. Over living my life the way I do.. Never to understand myself before I can help people and understand the world…


thanks for reading


*trigger warning* suicide and self harm.

I’m Jessica Elliott and I suffer from ADHD, anxiety, depression and depersonalization/derealisation and because of these, I struggle with self harm and suicidal thoughts.

So… this is something I wasn’t sure if I want to talk or post about this, with no one, as no one reads my posts anyways. But like I say a lot, I do it for me, helps get stuff off my mind but if someone does read this and it helps them. Then that’s a bonus, but in saying that I’m still unsure weather I will be posting this, but we will see. As I’ve mentioned plenty of my posts, I’m sick. I suffer from the above conditions, mental illnesses, whatever you want to call them. This post will be about everything above. How or why, just explaining stuff and thangs.

When I was 14 I tired to commit suicide. I swallowed 28, roughly, paracetamol. But not knowing, you can not overdose on paracetamol(that’s what the doctors said) but I could have done damage to my liver and could affect me when I’m older. Before I took the tablets, I was crying a lot and gave myself a headache from the crying, so I needed paracetamol to get rid of it. I can’t remember why I was crying, I think I had a fight with mum but I couldn’t stop myself from swallowing the whole packet and then some.

At this point, I can’t remember how long I was hurting myself. I don’t think it was long before. I remember the first time. I didn’t have a razor and I was to scared to use it anyways but I had tweezers, quite blunt but a little sharp and I just was trying to cut myself with them. Being a little blunt I went over and over the same spot until it drew blood. This was on my fore arm near my elbow crease. At this point in my life, I wasn’t (still not) wanted by my dad, my mum had her own issues that I wont go into detail, a lot of personal stuff was going on and I honestly didn’t have good friends.

I remember once, this guy, who I thought was one of my best friends, told me he hated me and that I was on his hit list (to kill list) in front of my other supposed best friends… Did I mention I was in year 4? What kid in year 4 has a hit list?.. He was also the group ‘leader’ so I lost all my friends and everyone hated me. This other time, my best friend who I had just given a best friend bracelet to, gave it back in front of all her friends, again being stranded. I remember it as clear as day, she didn’t say anything, she just gave it back and her other friends were staring at me and I looked at her in the eye just in disbelief and then I walked away. She and her friends always walked past me and flipped me off or called me a loser.. this was year 5.

Anyways, you probably are thinking everyone has these things in primary school, but it shaped me, and its just a small taste of what happened and then this followed me to high school..

Oh, and something else would be that I didn’t hear from my dad for about a year since we had moved away, so I tired to call him. His wife answered, and told me I had the wrong number… so at this point I hadn’t heard from him in about 5 or 6 years. I don’t blame his wife anymore, he didn’t try, he never tried.

So I didn’t have much going for me. I remember going to bed after swallowing them and  thinking I wasn’t going to wake up. I don’t know why but my brother and I, (can’t remember if my sister was there), we moved our mattresses to the lounge room and we were sleeping there. As I was falling asleep, I reached for Alex’s hand and kept holding it as I fell asleep. I woke up, throwing up EVERYWHERE. Mum just thought I was really sick, so I stayed in bed all day. I counted how many times I threw up and how often. It was every 30 minutes and after I threw up I would feel better until it would build up again and throw up again. I think I counted 50 times I threw up in that day. I couldn’t hold anything down. I was getting scared. I remember telling mum why I was so sick. She kept asking why. why. why. why. why. I can’t 100% remember what I said but it was like, ‘because I’m sad.’..

Mum rushed me to the hospital and I remember the doctors kept asking me why. why. why. why. I remember being in the hospital bed and being surrounded by doctors. I think the worst part of it all was mum having to leave me because my sister and brother were at home so my Oma (grandma) had to come and sit with me. I was so sad and embarrassed. I don’t know why I was embarrassed but I think it had something to do with my Oma being one of my favourite people in the world. She only asked me why once.

The only thing I could sometimes hold down was a drink of half milk and half water. I cant remember how long I was in hospital for. I know it was a short stay it was either over night or for 2 nights maybe. But I remember leaving the hospital and being in the car. As we were driving, I put my hand outside the window and being in the sun. Feeling it on my skin, I hadn’t seen the sun in a few days and I was so so weak and sad. I loved the feeling of the sun on my skin…  I was just focused on the sun. It made me happy. I told myself I didn’t want to be in this situation again. Little did I know, it takes more then just saying that to get better..

From here, I moved in with a family member in another state while mum was saving and sorting out everything to move down with me. I, to this day am so disappointed that I left my brother.. but anyways that’s a story for another time. Moving in with family, was not good. I had never felt so alone… I went through a lot personally. They just were different and ran differently to what I was use to. There were a lot of fights and tears but I don’t want to go into detail. So I turned again to hurting myself. I had a bobby pint hat I had removed the plastic ends. I use to run it over and over my thigh, there was a lot of blood.

I moved out and moved back in with mum once mum had moved down. Now at this point, with everything that I was feeling I didn’t even think I was depressed. It wasn’t until a friend mentioned it to me. I thought I was fine just got sad sometimes.

Now I’m 15 and more shit happened, gained friends, lost friends, starting drinking there for a small bit, started smoking a little bit as well. Not crazy, because I knew it was wrong. It didn’t last very long. Then more shit happened, then shit, found out I had depersonalization/derealisation, shit, shit. Everything shit. I don’t want to go into crazy detail. I think I’ve already gone in to much detail. I might delete some stuff.. lol.

Fast forward to today, I’m sad. All the time. Sometimes I just cry all day, on and off. I really just don’t know some days. Somedays I honestly want to die. I am not going in to detail as to how I feel and what I think about when it comes to suicide because I don’t want to put something it in someone elses head. But I still hurt myself from time to time but i don’t want to talk about how. Makes me a bit uncomfortable to say how and again I don’t want to put it in someones head.. The only person I will talk about how I feel is my phycologist.

Speaking about my phycologist, he laughed when I mentioned suicide. I’m not going to him anymore, I also wasn’t getting better. He wasn’t helping me. He said, ‘When you have the flu, you don’t get kill yourself. You get better.’ as he laughed. Which is true, but made me feel a lot worse.

I’ve stopped talking about my feelings to people, which is good kinda. I don’t just go and speak to someone. I’m forced to actually process my feelings. Why I’m sad. Why I feel the way I do. I’m also not bothering people.

BUT!! I’m trying to get better. I’m really trying… I keep writing post about how I’m getting better. So if you are interested, read them.

Thanks for reading.

By the way,if you have any questions, let me know. Also, I’m always here if anyone wants to talk..


Getting better 6/6/17

So, lately I’ve been trying to get better. But in order to get better, I must understand what is wrong with myself. So, I’m Jessica Elliott, I suffer from anxiety, depersonalization/derealisation, ADHD and  depression. I also struggle with self harm and suicidal thoughts.

(if you are unsure what depersonalization/derealisation is, please read my blog ‘Derealizwhat??’)

So like I said I have been trying to get better, but it’s been really hard. It funny really actually because I’m sad but it has gotten worse because I’m focusing on it and trying to get better, making my dark days darker. But it is ok but it is going to be hard and a battle but anyways, I got to do it. Over letting it all win, over not being happy, over it.

So here is what I’ve been doing to get better, but remember getting better is small steps-

  • Dealing with my problems myself, I’ve come to a realisation that I’m draining the people around me with my issues, so to stop that, I’m keeping my issues to myself and my blog.
  • Taking responsibility for my own happiness and not relying on other people, doing what I wanna do and not wait for other people to do it with me. Not fair on other people or myself.
  • Alone time, same as above but doing stuff by myself. Well not only stuff but things I love to do like go to look outs. (I’ll post some photos down below)
  • Camomile Tea, I’ve started drinking Camomile Tea because it known from helping and calming anxiety. I’ve been having at least one a day with honey  but I don’t know if its working ye, like it is quite relaxing but I think that is any tea. I don’t know if it calms anxiety yet, I will let you know.
  • Limiting facebook time. Facebook is not good, there is nothing good on facebook. Facebook is just terrible news, or friends that are travelling, people who are cooler then you and just eats up time, you are on fb at 9am and you wink and its 12pm, so silly. So before I go to sleep I log out, wake up check my messages and try to go on fb, see its logged out and realise what I’m trying to do. I try and not log back in until 10am. 
  • Limiting phone time, being more in the moment. Actually watching a movie or being with a friend or family, not sitting on my phone. 
  • Being more productive during the day, so my days don’t feel wasted.
  • Trying not to stress about life, which is easier said then done.

There is so much more I could be doing to get better but as I’ve said its baby steps. The next huge step is to meditate and practice mindfulness. 

I’m blogging how I’m trying to get better in the hopes it could help someone else or you. It gets better.

Thanks for reading. I’m here if you need someone.
When I took my self to a look out.

    Thoughts: 30/4/17

    Again I honestly don’t know even how to start this but I fucking love this blog, ask anyone who knows me well, especially my girlfriend. It makes me happy, somewhere to vent and it’s just a space for me by me. This blog is for me and I fucking love it. I always wanted to start like a YouTube channel but I’m so boring and lame, like I’m the least bit funny. I also care waaaaaayyyyy to much what people think. As soon as someone says I have an ugly head, I’m chopping it off and I have no doubt that it will be the first comment. 

    Ok ok, I won’t chop it off but I won’t leave the house for a few days or won’t leave unless I’m cake faced or paperbagged. So YouTube is a no go, I’m also not creative, like at all. So like coming up with stuff to do, isn’t going to happen. Coming up with jokes, isn’t going to happen. Even like editing the videos, isnt going to happen. Unless I wanted like a PowerPoint fade to the next clip and I ain’t about that. 

    What would I even try and do in my videos? I’m not good at anything. Cooking, nope. Comedy, narh. Make up, no. Sports, what a joke. Like diy stuff, like I said not creative. So yep, YouTube isn’t going to happen. 

    But I don’t know what to do, like with life. I have a bunch of the most random qualifications you can think of and I don’t think I want to go into any of them, see one thing about me is I’m a quitter. A straight up quitter. As soon as I don’t like something a little bit or it’s a little to hard, it’s out of my life. I have a certificate in property services (real estate) and I was in the office for 2-3 hours before walking out. Don’t get me wrong, I was so completely and utterly disapointed in myself. But the boss was a dick in the interview and the workers were the same. Also homophobic, sexist, not nice, didn’t get trained and had me cold call people an hour in to my shift, no one knew why I was hired, one of the bosses made a joke about me over the phone to another worker not knowing she was on loud speaker, just a heap of little things within a 2-3 hour space. 

    Funny story, ran into the girl that was hired after me in another real estate office. She informed me that she and 2 other girls were fired on the spot after the boss got back from a boys weekend away. Turns out he lost all his money to cocaine and couldnt afford to pay them. Glad I got out when I did. Maybe it was a good thing I left after 3 hours.

    I’ve also got a diploma of business and diploma of travel and tourism. I got a job in travel, and left after a week. Again, COMPETELY DISAPOINTED in myself. 

    Had a job as a sales representative, lovedddddd it, and I left. I have no idea why and it was a huge mistake. The boss seemed to like me and was willing to work with me with shifts. Obviously at the time I thought it was the best thing for me but still, dumb Jess.


    I guess none of this means anything as long as I’m successful and to me to be successful is to be happy and a decent person.

    But I’m not even that. No way near it.

    I’ve had sooooooo many people tell me that I put way to much pressure on myself. But I don’t get that. I’m 20, yea I’m young whatever. But time is flying by, it takes like 4 years to save for a deposit for a house. But I also want to travel, and then the car breaks down and life happens and bam no money and can’t buy a house until I’m 35. Which, don’t get me wrong, is not bad at all. But you have to work harder when your older. If I buy a house say in four years, 24. Future me will thank me. I have to work hard, so hard right now in order for further me to have a roof over my head and to have travelled the world. 

    Not only that but ok I’ll relax, stop putting pressure on myself, I have time. Bam, I’m 25, and EVERYONE will be judging or have something to say. Like I don’t have a career or money or a house and mum will want me out and people will think I’m a bum. I will think I’m a bum. So don’t tell me I put to much pressure on myself, cause I do, I know. But how am I suppose to be chill, when nothing will happen in my life unless I work for it. Work hard for it! I won’t stop until I am happy and I know the future  will be ok.

    Anyway, with that all written down I feel a bit better. I have to wake up at 6am and its 11:30pm. I’m going to die. I need a solid 8 hours to function. 

    Goodnight guys !



    I’m not here to talk bad about you or to call you a dead beat dad, because your not. I’ve seen the way you have raised your other kids, how they look at you and how they look up to you.

    Dad, I wish you wanted Alex and I in your life.

    Dad, I wish there was more I could have done.

    Dad, I wish I was able to be in your kids lives.

    Dad, mum has done such an amazing job at raising us three kids. I hope you never worried about that.

    Dad, Alex is such an amazing man. He does really well in school and fantastically at work. He is really funny and he never finds himself in trouble. You are honestly really missing out on such a great kid.

    Dad, I’m fine. Alex and I are doing fine. We always have been, and always will.

    Dad, I hate seeing you around. I can’t stop shaking.

    Dad, why is it like this? Why are we like this?

    Dad, I can’t help but blame myself.

    Dad, I’m finding this very hard to write, I have so much I want to say to you.

    Dad, as much as it saddens me and forever will upset me, it’s ok that you don’t want Alex or I in your life. That’s ok.

    Dad, I’m fine. Alex and I are both fine. We have always been fine and we will always be fine.

    Dad, I’m doing everything I have ever wanted to do in my life. Without you..

    Dad, I’ll be ok and so will Alex.

    Dad, I’m so mad at you but I’m so over it.

    Dad, it’s time for me to grow up and let go. Let go of  the thought of you.. Of what you should have been..


    I forgive you.

    ~things i’m afraid of~


    I am honestly so terrified of sharks. The fact that when you are out in the ocean and everything is completely out of my control and if I was to be attacked there is no way of defending myself. If a shark is attacking me I’m obviously far out enough to not be touching the floor of the ocean. Just the thought of looking underneath me and seeing it’s face.. freaks me out.

    In saying this, I love sharks. I think they are wonderful, just the thought of them attacking me, terrifies me.


    I absolutely lovvveeeee horror movies, zombie shows and movies especially (LOVE World War Z and The walking dead) but when I’ve watched a few in a row and I hear a sound outside… I’m 1756457% convinced it is a zombie.  This is so silly I know but I’m honestly so terrified of them becoming a reality. We don’t know what the government is actually creating and testing in their labs, but it could even be a complete accident. Government think they have cured cancer, injects into cancer patient and boom then the patient is indestructible and likes the taste of human flesh and then I’m dead.


    I absolutely love my family more then anything and the thought of them thinking I’m never there for them or that I don’t care or don’t love them absolutely breaks my heart. I would hate to only see family once in a blue moon and for it to be awkward. Family is number one. I will always maintain my relationships with my family. I love them so much.

    I don’t have nor have I ever had a relationship with my father or his side of the family at all, which is completely out of my control. Which is ok, but I don’t want anyone in my family to ever to feel the way I do.

    Love you fam xxxxxxxx


    I don’t think I need to go into detail.


    I DO NOT mean as a famous person, with lots of money or whatever. I mean I want nothing more in life then to impact as many people’s lives as I can. I don’t know how I’m going to do this at the moment, but this is something that is my life goal. I try and help people as much as I can at the moment but I want to do it on a larger scale, and that I have changed peoples lives for the better.


    and that’s all I can think of at the moment..


    thanks for reading..







    Open letter to my niece.

    Ameena Inge Jean Diggleman… My little Meenie. Born 25/12/16. !! 1 & 1/2 months old !!

    *backstreet boys- as long as you love me*

    i don’t care who you are, where you from, don’t care what you did, as long as you love me.


    I would like to start this letter off letting you know that you have such an amazing mother. The love I see she has for you is such an amazing thing. She is such a amazing mum, you wouldnt think that you were her first Bub. I love your mother with everything in me. She will always be my best friend and I’m sure she will always be yours. She has the biggest heart and is one of the smartest people I know, so caring and loveable. She is the most beautiful person and I hope you are exactly like her.

    Your daddy loves you so much. He is so silly and I know he’s going to make you laugh so much. You look so much like him. He is great, and he is already such a great daddy.

    You have made my sister the happiest I’ve ever seen her.. Thank you Meenie.

    And you have made my mum, your Oma, the happiest I’ve seen her in so long… Thank you again, Meenie.
    As you lay in my arms right now sound asleep, I can’t help but look at you and kiss you and hug you tight. You are the most perfect little thing I’ve ever seen. I was suppose to take you back to mum about an hour ago but I really don’t want to disturb you. I don’t want to let you go, but it won’t be long until I’ll be back. I hate that I can’t see you everyday, but I’ll make it my mission to make sure that not only you know but both your parents, know that I love you all to the end of the earth and I would do anything for any of you guys. Anything!

    Meenie, you make me happy. Even though you are a little potato at the moment and don’t do much. You existing just makes my day everyday.

    You have also opened my eyes to family. Although I’ve always said family is #1, I now realise that FAMILY IS NUMBER ONEEEE! The love I feel towards you is how my aunt loves me and how happy you make your Oma is how happy I make my Oma. Family is number one, and what I would do for you is what family would do for me. I have the best family ever.. I’m so lucky.

    You are already such a beautiful young lady and I can’t wait to watch you grow, just don’t do it to fast. I’m going to visit you as much as I can, I want you to know that I was and always will be there for you even when you can’t remember who i am (cause you’re so little).

    You can do anything you set you heart to baby girl, I know you’ll grow up to be someone super special. I believe in you and I can’t wait to see the person you grow up to be. Just know you’re never alone, you’ll will never not have a friend, you have me.

    I didn’t really want kids, I honestly wasn’t fussed. I now look at you and can’t wait to have such a tiny little beautiful package of happiness, I just hope they are exactly like you. I can’t wait to give you a cousin..

    (p.s remember if mummy and daddy say no, Aunty Jess will probably say yes. Hahahhahah)

    i love you Ameena ..


    Living with ADHD..

    Ok so I suffer from a different condition that was I trying to get diagnosed with for about 5 years before I was actually diagnosed with it. Let’s just call this condition D.R but that is a story for another time. I bring this up because this is how I discovered I have ADHD.
    In 2014 I went to a special doctor (can’t remember what type) and he diagnosed with with D.R and ADHD, this was a complete shock. I knew I had D.R but ADHD never crossed my mind. When he told me I started crying, ADHD was something that I have heard of before but never understood what is was or how it worked or any thing. It was hard, but after research it made a lot of sense. !!Please keep in mind that I was at the start of year 12, in the middle of my HSC and was 17 almost 18 years old ! this was such a late diagnosis!!

    I just thought ADHD was a thing that kids have who have learn issues or who run around crazy. I now see it’s more then that.

    ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a disorder that can not be cured but helped with treatment.

    Symptoms can be limited attention, hyperactivity, absent mindedness, difficultly focusing, short attention span, forgetfulness, fidgeting, impulsive, excitability.

    This can affect your mood and cause mood swings, anxiety, boredom, anger and excitement.

    This can lead to depression and learning disability.

    Obviously with any condition, everyone person is different and has different symptoms and experiences.

    I personally have a lot of the above symptoms but not all.

    For myself, sitting in an exam.

    ‘1+1 = 2.’ *looks out of classroom window* ‘why is the sky blue? Wait blue that reminds me of that shirt that I love. Wait where is that shirt ? Shit. I’m going to have to find that. That would be great for that thing I have this weekend. Wait I’m in a test. 3×2 =6.’ *scribbles on corner of page* ‘ok I’m getting fidgeting I wonder if the teacher will let me go to the toilet, just got to go for a walk. She won’t I’ll just try and focus.’ *stares at teacher* ‘wow she has lovely eyes.’ *jiggles legs* ‘6×0=0’

    Sometimes I just stare and don’t even think haha. Honestly can’t focus. It’s really weird. Homework and assessments are really hard. But I always thought I would never ever be able to do an online course from home, and I did and smashed it ! Woo!

    Fortunately I did get diagnosed just before the HSC exams and was able to apply for special privileges I guess you can call it. I went into a different room then the rest of the year with other people with special privileges. I had more time to do my tests (I didn’t really need) and I was able to get up and walk around every 15 minutes. (I find it hard to focus and sit still especially in such a stressful situation) Walking around really helped me. Made me feel a lot better.

    Ritalin is the medication that is used to help people with ADHD. Keep them focused, calm them down etc. I tried it, I tried two different brands and both times I ended up in hospital because it sent my heart rate through the roof. (I mean 160bpm while sitting watching tv) a lot of medication doesn’t work for me for different things but now this mean my ADHD is something I have to work on myself and calm myself down and try my hardest to keep focused.

    It’s so hard to do these things, but I have to. Got to keep moving on..

    There is nothing shameful about having ADHD. If anyone else suffers from it I would love to talk to you!
    I’m Jess and I have ADHD.

    Thanks for reading.

    My Galfrand

    A HUUUGGGEEEEEE part of my life is my girlfriend and a lot of stories I will be posting will mention my girlfriend so I thought this would be the perfect to talk about her in one of my first posts.

    Her name is Abby and we have been dating since 17/08/2012. Yea, I know it’s a lonnnnggg ass time almost 4 and a half yearrrrs. She is now a 3rd year electrical apprentice and of course like every one has her good and bad days at work but she really does love it. She has alllwaysss had an obsession with guns. Not to kill anyone or to go hunting or any such thing, but just guns and to shoot them, shes completely obsessed. She is going for her gun licence. Her mother told me that when she was little abby always had to make sure that what she was wearing had pockets, so she could carry her toy guns.

    Abby is honestly my rock. I don’t know where I would be without her. She is also my very best friend. She knows everything about me and still loves me. Crazy, I know.

    I’m honestly not the easiest person to love and nothing is ever straight forward when it comes to making plans. Like I’m oh so forgetful, and stressed out most of the time and just feel like there is not enough time in the day. So she will always make plans with me and I would have completely forgotten. I honestly don’t mean to, I just have no Idea where my head is most of the time.

    I find once we do make plans it still never goes to plan. We honestly have the worst luck when it come to plans. We were suppose to go camping a week ago now and we followed the instructions as to how to get there which was 45 minutes on a dirt road and still ended up in the middle of a dirt car park near a look out were there were signs saying no tents, so we had to end up sleeping in the back of her work car. We also had bought chicken for dinner and had no way of cooking it because the camp site had a bbq but the car park that we were stuck in did not. It honestly was such a great night with Abby. We had no technology. We are always busy and never see each other much, as she works days and I work mostly nights. We honestly just spoke the whole night about things we have always wanted to talk about with each other but always have just forgotten about it. Honestly ended up being perfect, just the start of the day was quite stressful.

    My babe is soooooo supportive. I have like -0000000000% know what I’m doing with my life. Abby told me once that she was speaking to her friend about me and how I have no idea what I’m doing but I still work hard. Her friend then replied saying he doesn’t know how abby can handle me, and how he could never be with a person that doesn’t know what they are doing with their life. But abby says that she doesn’t care what I do as long as I’m not being a bum and am bringing in a stable income, which I am. She also says that as long as I’m happy even if it means studying random shit or jumping from job to job until I work out what will make me happy. It’s hard cause abby knows what she is doing with life and I’m so proud of her.

    She is super great and I know that she goes out of the way just to see me happy..

    We fight, I feel more then other couples. But it works, and she is the bomb 😊

    Anyway this is just a bit about us.

    I love you Abby ! ♥

    1st post !

    Hey everyone, I’m Jess and I’ve decided to start a blog. I honestly have no idea why, I’m pretty boring and lame but here I am. It could be to share my stories, opinions etc. Maybe to find support on the topics I write about, help people get better understanding of me and why I do the things I do or why I am. As a bit of an open diary?  Help myself find who I am and what my purpose is  and track I’m suppose to be on. Just to vent some times. Maybe to help people who are like me. Who am I fooling, it’s all of the above..

    Just some things you need to know about this blog:

    1. I know I’m not the best writer or have the best spelling and gramma butttttttt sorry. I can’t help it and I will try my best. – soz if you will find it annoying.
    2. This is about me, my opinions and shizz, so if you it’s fine if you don’t like my blog or opinions but we can still be friends !
    3. Always here for everyone and anyone…..

    Woooo 1st post all done. sorry this is a short one but I just wanted to get all the formalities out of the way.

    Thanks for reading !